Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Vermont and more!

I've decided that I'll be posting a whole lot more on this blog in the months to come for those who are interested. Much has happened in the time since I last wrote. Most significant of course is that I reached the end of the first semester and the end of my time teaching at Lincoln-Sudbury. Despite my excitement at finally moving to Vermont, it was bittersweet leaving the many friends, colleagues and students there. Ultimately I am unbelievably happy in Burlington with Naomi and the incredible crew up here. Since leaving MA I've been trying to make the most of my time. Spending much time in the gym training for the upcoming trip to Spain and also doing the most sport mixed climbing I've done in years. 
Me on the first ascent of "Tunnel Vision" M9+ Snake Mt. VT

Thanks to an epic belay put forth by Freddie Wilkinson, I finally sent my new route at Snake Mountain on a bitterly cold day the weekend of the Adirondack Ice Fest. I continue to be blown away by the quality of this crag for this type of climbing. As more routes go in it more and more proves itself to be the centerpiece sport mixed crag in New England. Get on over if you haven't yet!
On Whorley's "Alien Nation" M10- 

Naomi and I went over for the Mountainfest and had Will Roth's old trailer all to our selves.  The mountainfest was great as usual and we got out to Chapel Pond and enjoyed the festivities at night. 

More recently we went over to North Conway for the Mount Washington Valley Ice Fest. I must say that this years festival was by far the most fun I've had at one of these events and that Anne and Sara did any incredible job organizing it. Friday night featured a great Kevin Mahoney slideshow followed by an indoor drytooling face-off. Myself, Aaron, and Josh all competed and Josh won by a handful of second in a tie-breaker with Bayard! Sick! Way to to represent VT! Josh is climbing super strong and those who know were non too surprised that he crushed. I finished 3rd I think and was a bit disappointed but had an awesome time none the less. Here are some pics!

Audrey, Naomi, and MC Freddie reacting to the competition

Josh and Bayard

The rest of the weekend included some true to form North Conway style partying including 
a retro dance party on Saturday night. Mayo and I sneaked out for some time in the Cathedral 
Cave on Saturday during the day and Will sent the visionary Jim Ewing masterpiece 
"Work of the Devil" M11. Will is crushing! On Sunday Naomi and I climbed a super fun 
Goofer's Delight and then spent some time in the cave before heading back to VT.

So I am finally down to my last week before I leave for Spain and feeling pretty strong so
we'll see what happens over there. Aaron and I fly out on Tuesday and we'll be meeting the
famous Huston in Barcelona. So Psyched! I 'll be updating more frequently now so stay tuned
for more from Espana!

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

The Red and other happenings

I've always connected to the song So Many Roads by the Grateful Dead. I driven many roads to "soothe my soul." In fact, I know of only one other person who drives more than I do. Right now I'm about to go down another road, 15 hours away, to the Red River Gorge. A place that is certain to benefit the soul. Naomi and I had planned on going to the New River Gorge in West Virginia but then changed our plans when we found that there was 6 inches of snow on the ground  there. I've never been to the Red and I'm psyched to check it out. I'm also looking forward to experiencing Miguel's famous Thanksgiving dinner. Yeah boy!

I've slowly been coming to grips with the fact that winter is upon us in the Northeast and although I am psyched for the ice and mixed game, I also psyched on getting out to Rumney and Bolton on the sunny warm days. Naomi and I headed down to Rumney last weekend to climb on Sunday and to hang out with Jay & Leesa and Jay & Kayte. Jay and Leesa just go a new puppy so we were psyched to meet him.

Poko and Naomi at the Main Cliff

Naomi had some good goes on Peanut Man and I did some laps for endurance. I'll need it! Anyway. Off to the Red now. I'll be posting more about my adventures on here for those who care to read.