Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Valley Shots

So I've been less then great about updating this blog to say the least but here are some shots from my trip to the Valley.

Tim sublexed his shoulder the night before we were to leave so I ended up driving out there solo and meeting up with some cool partners. I didn't send the Freerider but my partner Nik did and I'll certainly be back for it! Here are some pics!

Arrival in the Valley!

All the gear I humped to the top of El Cap to work on Freerider!

Nik rapping around the corner into the Enduro Dihedrals

Nik starting up the Monster Offwidth at sunset

The aftermath of the Monster Offwidth!

Bivy at the Block on Freerider

Portaledge bivy during the final push

Our Bags and the crux pitch below which included a double dyno 2000' off the deck!

2 pitches from the top!

                 Me on Hangdog Flyer .12c

Naomi came to visit! Us below the Nose!

The view from Stoner's Highway on Middle Cathedral. This was a incredible route with many memorable 25' runouts  on thin 5.10 face climbing!

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